Dear Tim,
I have now had a chance to have a look at your X-rays and I am very pleased with them. The implant remains in an excellent position. As you will see on the flexion and extension views, particularly if you toggle between them, you can really see how the implant moves at that level. You can also see on the lateral views that the implant is very well bonded to the bone now. You therefore get a gold star for being an exemplary patient in all respects!
Kind regards,
So I got that going for me. At this point, I'm feeling more normal. The small amount of right hip pain I had when doing a straight leg raise has lessened in the last two weeks and is more like a stiffness instead. The leg sweating seems to be getting a bit more intermittent as well. I am still doing physical therapy twice a week, but at this point they are short 15 minute sessions just using the MedEx extension machine. In addition, I'm doing the circuit of 12 back related exercises given to me by the PTs twice a week and workouts consisting of pushups and seated rows, high rows, pull downs, curls, chest press, chest flies, and straight arm shoulder raises using resistance bands. I also just bought an elliptical machine which I plan to use to build my cardio back up instead of doing the high impact aerobic routines I used to. I also do my lower body stretched, retlouping, and nerve gliding most mornings.
They have progressed at PT to lifting 40lbs off the floor with no problems (and using proper form of course). I have gone for a few short outside bike rides and was able to do my fall yard work with no problems (leaf blowing/vac and carrying the heavy bags of leaves to the curb). Although, my back muscles do get a little tired after a bit, but I think that would happen even with a healthy disc. I would also say that my sitting time is pretty much unlimited at this point and I get no soreness from it.
At weeks 11 and 12 I did jog some stairs and noticed some back soreness from that. It was more of a muscular soreness that extended along the long muscles on either side of my spine. The soreness actually went up to just below my shoulder blades and extended down my back and flared slightly into my hips. I wasn't sure if it was from the stair jogging or the PT, so this last week I did not do the jogging, and did not have the soreness. So I think I may lay off that for awhile yet. I have also not tried any normal jogging yet either, and even though the surgeons have said I can, I think I'll hold off until spring.
My confidence has gotten better and I am comfortable doing pretty much everything except the intense workouts I used to do before the injury. I don't think I would try to lift something super heavy or to exert myself 100% yet. After almost 2 years of issues, I'm just enjoying not hurting anymore too much to risk it.
My posts from this point will probably be more sparse as things are not changing as much and everything is still going well. I'll of course update if anything starts giving me problems or I do something surprising that I didn't think I would be able to do.