It has been about 4 months since my disc replacement and everything is still going fine. My slight hip pain has lessened to the point I don't really notice it unless I bend over forward with me knees locked, but I pretty much never do that, instead bending my knees and hips whenever I bend over.
I finished up with my PT a few weeks ago as I had met all their goals. They said they might consider having me back at 6 months post op to progress to the last phase if I want, although I don't know if I'll need it. I still do my circuit of PT exercises maybe 2-3 times per week. I have not been stretching or nerve flossing as much, but it hasn't seemed to cause any problems. I have been doing cardio work on my elliptical and some medium resistance work using resistance bands and pushups.
I have more and more days where I sometimes forget I had surgery not that long ago since I feel so normal. I'm feeling great, much better than I expected. I hope it stays this way for a long time!