Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Still good

Not much new to report.  Still doing well with gradual improvement.  I've been building up my sitting time while working.  I am sitting on an exercise ball for part of the day while working.  By about 2:00 I start to feel some back fatigue, but I think this is more muscular fatigue as a result of getting used to sitting for longer periods of time and sitting on the ball which takes more energy.  By the end of the day, I am pretty tired.  It's been almost 2 years since I sat upright through an entire day of work.

I have noticed a decrease in my hip pain after I added in a few new stretches into my PT routine.  Currently, I am doing the following:

Rocking my pelvis back and forth sitting on the ball
Rocking pelvis side to side on the ball
Pelvic circles on the ball
Retlouping (google it) to mobilize nerves.
Straight leg hamstring stretches while lying on my back, and pumping my ankle to also mobilize the nerve.
Glute stretches on my back, one leg straight on the floor, pulling the other knee to the same shoulder for a while and then towards the opposite shoulder.
Laying on my stomach propped up on my elbows for a couple minutes.
Flexing core muscles and holding for 10-30 seconds 10 times per day.
Stretching hamstrings by putting my leg up on the 4th stair with my knee locked.
This one sounds a little strange but it works really well:  I take a tennis ball and put it under one of my glutes and roll around on it along the sciatic nerve channel.  It hurts a little but it really helps to break up any adhesions that can form which kind of glue the sciatic nerve to the surrounding tissues.

Once I started doing the stair stretch, and the tennis ball thing, I noticed a decrease in my hip pain in just a couple days.  I think I maybe had some adhesions on the nerves that I was able to break up a bit.  My right hamstring is still tighter than my left one, but it is getting better.

I feel better each week, but am still not doing any strenuous or high impact exercises yet.  I am pretty out of shape and still have a ways to go to get back to a place where I feel fit again.  I just don't want to take any chances.

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